Scientific Method

Friday, January 30, 2009


I learned that most animals in the world are invertebrates.Invertebrates are animals that do not have a backbone.Arthropods are animals that with jointed legs.Vertebrates are animals with backbones.The brown garden snail is a mollusk that lives on land. Victoria


I learned about arthropods, that they have jointed legs


the animals

i learned that an octopus is not a vertabrate and its a mollusk, it has soft skin and it protects its self with its ink.



Most amphibians in the world mostly use their gills for water and also, their lungs to breath air.


what i learn about animals

i learn what vertebrates are. They have backbones. i learn what invertebrates are. they are animals with no backbones. i learn about mollusk. they are animals that live in a shell. i learn about arthropods. they are animals that have joint legs.


what ive learned

I have learned that not all animals are the same.There diffrent because some live in water and some live on land.


what ive learned

Animal groups

The arthropod group is the largest group. Some are small. About less than 1 cm. Some are huge like the giant king crab. Invertebrates have 0 backbone. Some invertebrates are worms and octopus. They can change into a sqiggle or some other unique shape. Vertebrates have backbones and most are warm-blooded like humans and hawks. Warm-blooded creatures change temperature depending on the food that they eat. Cold-blooded creatures change temperature depending on what the weather is outside. Some cold-blooded animals are snakes, gators, crocodiles, and sharks. Mollusks have very, very soft bodies, so they have a shell to protect them. Mollusks include: snails, conches, and clams.

Christopher R