Scientific Method

Friday, May 1, 2009

water cycle

I learned about the water cycle.There are different types of parts for the water cycle theres condensation,precipitation, and evaporation.For now that is what i could think about what we learned today.Thank you.

steps of the water cycle

i learned today the steps of the water cycle. first, the sun shines onto the salt water or fresh water that makes it turn to water vapor. second, the water vapor goes up to the sky and condensates or, turns to liquid.third, the liquid can precipitate or like snow, rain or ice falls on earth.finally, the water stores in the oceans or rivers then the cycle starts all over again.

water cycle

The water cycle is the cycle of water.The sun evaporates the water.Then it makes a rain cloud.The rain cloud then makes it rain and the water cycle starts again.The sun makes the water rise and fall.
The rain cloud only makes it rise.Evaporation makes the water fall.Precipitation swithes the water to the sun to arain cloud.Condinsation makes the water fall and then makes the water rise.

Water Cycle

this water cycle is that it represents condensation and that it also
evaporration and it talks about precipitation in it and that is a water cycle.

the water cycle

I learned about the water cycle the water cyle has three parts codisation, evaprotrtoin, and prosipataion.

water cycle

i have learned about the water cycle.there are many steps to do it.the way that i do its by putting the precipatation that goes to the condensation that storges it to go do the evaporation in the heat of the sun.i have learned all these awesome stuff because mr.martin he has thaught me these stuff and they do it by by nature.they use the water for rain and if the beach,ponds,swamps,and all the other stuff if we could help clean it up it could store more stuff and make it a better place for us.

ivan m.

water cycle

I have learned this week about water cycle. I learned about precipitation, condensation, and evaporation. Evaporation is when water evaporates, precipitation is when water falls from the sky, and condensation is when water groups up or gets together.

Brian L.

the water cycle

the water cycle is a cycle that refills the earths fresh water. did you you know thst 97 percent of all the earths water is salt water? 1% of all the earths water is fresh water, the other 2 is frozen fresh water which we can not use. When it precipatates the aquifers are refilled with water. Hover our water is decreasing slowly each day it may become a problem.

By: Bryan A.