Scientific Method

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Florida's Regions

In Social Studies we've been studying about Florida's 3 main regions. The students have worked on identifying what the three regions are. Let's find out if they've learned them.


What is ONE of Florida's region?
*remember the compare & contrast activity*


Social Studies / Science Learning Lab said...

one of floridas region is highland. gilberto e.

Social Studies / Science Learning Lab said...

Hello we been learning about the three regoins one of them are wetland.

Brian Leyva

Social Studies / Science Learning Lab said...

one of the rigion is wetland

Social Studies / Science Learning Lab said...

Hello we have been learning about the regions the other is the lowland's.

B. A.

Social Studies / Science Learning Lab said...
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Social Studies / Science Learning Lab said...

in class weve been learning about the 3 regions one that i know is the LOW LAND Daniel,S

Social Studies / Science Learning Lab said...

three of florida reagins is highland,lowland,wetland.

Daraimis D

Social Studies / Science Learning Lab said...

Hi one of the regions are the wetlands

Karina F

Social Studies / Science Learning Lab said...

Hi Mr.Martin how are you doing?
How is the baby?How Is Ms.Martines?

Anette M.

Social Studies / Science Learning Lab said...

Hey Mr.Martin?How`s the baby


Social Studies / Science Learning Lab said...


Social Studies / Science Learning Lab said...

we learned about lowlands,highlands,and wetlands.


Social Studies / Science Learning Lab said...

one of floridas'main ragions are the panhandle and two more ni don't remember BG

Social Studies / Science Learning Lab said...

One of Floridas main is Gulf of Mexico coast and Antlantic coast.
Miguel L

Social Studies / Science Learning Lab said...

one of floridas'main ragions are the panhandle and two more ni don't remember Brian Guerra