Scientific Method

Friday, March 20, 2009


Throught the past few weeks we have been learning about several body sytems. Like the Skeletalal syestem that helps us protect our organs and help us stand up. The eight main bones are Skull, Humerous, Radious, Ribs, Pelvis, Femur, Patela, and Tibia. The next sytem is the muscular which helps us move the bones at our joints. Their is the skeletal, smooth, and cardiac tissue. Then thier is the respiratory system that helps us breath. It begins in the mouth or nose goes through the trachea into the bronchial tubes to the air sacs then into the diaphram. Circulatory system is what pumps blood throughout all of our body.Parts are the heart blood vessels, veins,and arteries.The digestive system helps us break food ito tiny nutrients or body can use.Parts are th esophagus, mouth, stomanch, small intestine and large intestine.The nervous system is the system that tells all the other cell and systems what to do. Parts are the brain and spinal cord.The immune system protects all of your body from all types of diseases.

By: Bryan A.

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